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How Blended Finance Can Support Climate Transition in Emerging and Developing Economies

Innovative instruments and equity finance are needed to enhance risk-sharing through public-private partnerships and maximize the impact of scarce public funds

The Role of Bank Regulators in the Promotion of Green and Climate Finance

Over the past years, interest has increased in including environmental and climate-related issues in central banks, financial regulators, and supervisors’ activities. The scientific discussion and actions taken by these institutions are presented in this chapter. It describes how central banks are increasingly seen as key players in advancing regulations supporting a low-carbon or “net-zero” agend...

A finance approach to climate stress testing

There is increasing interest in assessing the impact of climate policies on the value of financial sector assets, and consequently on financial stability. Prior studies either take a “black box” macro-financial approach or focus solely on equity instruments – though banks’ exposures predominantly consist of debt. We develop a more tractable finance (valuation) approach at the industry-level and us...

The Politics of Climate Finance and Policy Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Finance and Address ESG Issues

This chapter examines the international and national efforts to expand green financing during the last decades. As a result, it addresses climate finance politics and policy measures, such as the Paris Agreement and the EU Action Plan on sustainable finance, and academic evidence on the impact of these initiatives on financial markets, including green bond market growth. According to the study, se...

Sustainable business model for climate finance. Key drivers for the commercial banking sector

The identification of a reference framework—the sustainable business model structure—exposes a new tool for banks to reanalyse their business models and adapt to a climate-resilient economy. The identification was done by a combination of analysis of current literature with regard to common and sustainable business models, which indicated three key levers for commercial banks looking to boost clim...

The financial ecologies of climate urbanism: Project preparation and the anchoring of global climate finance

Global development institutions herald private finance as a key mechanism for limiting climate change. Many have concentrated their efforts on bridging urban “infrastructure gaps,” thereby creating profitable fixes and establishing new markets through global climate finance initiatives (GCFIs). This paper examines the project preparation practices of GCFIs in cities of the global South to understa...

Blending Climate Finance Through National Climate Funds

This guidebook is part of a series of manuals, guidebooks and toolkits that draws upon the experience and information generated by the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) support for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects in some 140 countries over the past decade. These resources are intended to enable project managers, UNDP Country O!ces and developing country government dec...

Climate Finance

We estimate the supply side effect of climate change on firm sales by exploiting variation in local temperature across suppliers of the same client. We find that suppliers experiencing a 1 °C increase in average daily temperature decrease their sales by 2%. In addition, extreme hot and cold weather events lead to larger drops in sales. The effect is more pronounced among suppliers in manufacturing...

Climate Change and Climate Finance: Current Experience and Future Directions

It assesses the issue of climate justice, considers the impact of “greenwashing,” and looks at ways investors can evaluate ESG considerations. It outlines the corporate and economic risks of climate change alongside the response from central banks. It shows that policy guidance, increased transparency, and information sharing is central for the private sector to make progress towards tackling clim...

Climate Finance Landscape of Asia and the Pacific

This report assesses climate finance in Asia and the Pacific and analyzes how it can be harnessed by developing member countries to expand climate action and spur low-carbon, resilient growth.

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