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CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: ClimAccelerator Organisers (Asia)

ClimAccelerator is a global programme for start-ups to innovate, catalyse and scale the potential of their climate solutions. We are looking for new EIT Climate-KIC partners (impact hubs, incubators, accelerators) to collaborate with us on the ClimAccelerator programme in Asia!


Climate Justice Impact Fund for Africa: Call for Proposal 2024

CJIFA is an initiative that accelerates the launch and scale up of high impact, market ready blended climate finance structures in developing economies in Africa.

Climate Justice Impact Fund for Africa

Roots Micro-grant 2024

The micro-grants program provides funding of up to $10,000 USD per group to help support youth-led projects, initiatives, research, or campaigns that advocate for climate justice through an intersectional lens. The grants are accompanied by ongoing mentorship. The program will provide grants for between 10-15 grassroots youth-led initiatives, with a focus on groups in Latin America, the Caribbean,...

Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) provides modest funding for small-scale, high-impact projects in more than 120 countries eligible for official development assistance (ODA). The CFLI has an annual programming budget of $26.8 million, with projects averaging $31,000 each. Projects are planned and implemented mainly by local organizations, and are selected and approved by the relevant Ca...

Developing Countries
Government of Canada

USAID Climate Finance for Development Accelerator

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Climate Finance for Development Accelerator (CFDA), also known as “the Accelerator,” is a $250 million initiative designed to mobilize $2.5 billion in public and private climate investments by 2030. These investments will fund a range of climate change mitigation and adaptation activities focused on scaling up the transition to an equi...


Climate Transformation Fund

Launched in 2021, the Climate Transformation Fund (CTF) is a premier solution for companies committed to going beyond emission reductions. This portfolio of high-impact, innovative projects is designed to accelerate global net-zero goals. Aligned with SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard, the CTF aims to maximize long-term CO₂ reduction or removal per dollar spent. It focuses on innovative CDR techn...


Commonwealth Grant

Every year, we offer grants of up to £30,000 for projects lasting up to two years to civil society organisations in the Commonwealth. We support projects that seek to facilitate constructive engagement between civil society and decision makers, including civil society participation in policy development and decision-making. Applications must address one or more of our three priority themes. All ap...

Commonwealth Countries
Commonwealth Foundation

Youth Engagement in Climate Change in Tanzania 2024-2025

Climate change poses significant challenges in Tanzania, impacting agriculture, water resources, health, and ecosystems. Addressing these pressing environmental issues requires recognizing the crucial role of youth in driving climate action. Young people are at the forefront of the fight against climate change. Building upon young people’s determination, innovation and creativity, EIT Climate-KIC,...


Solution-oriented research for development (SOR4D) programme

The SOR4D programme, a funding scheme launched by the SNSF and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), promotes cooperation between researchers in Switzerland and in developing countries as well as with practitioners on the ground. It advocates a solution-oriented approach aimed at contributing to the sustainable development goals and to poverty reduction.

Swiss National Science Foundation

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Inclusive Climate Entrepreneurship 2024-2025

The call for proposals aims to foster inclusive climate entrepreneurship by supporting organisations in selected countries (see listed below) to attract and empower diverse entrepreneurs. Inclusive climate entrepreneurship ensures that individuals from diverse and at-risk communities have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from climate innovation. At-risk communities are groups or i...


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